Practice, practice ChangerMusic’s practice


Hi, hello and SUP? Lol.
Thanks a ton for visiting and reading, btw!

Practicing for moi, me, aka… ChangerMusic involves solo time in the lab, garage, car, homies, or work.
It’s a daily habitual fun ting for me.
I love it. I am ready for opportunities and I seek them.
Being an indie producer/publisher/artist/writer/media expert keeps me grinding per second.
Consistency and routine engulf my variety.

Networking is based around my practicing and being prepared and confident.

I challenge my self via slow and way too fast versions without a beat on.
I also practice with a band and various voices for fun. Singing in the shower is not the same. It’s a zone to be emulated with focus and a plan for me.

Doing it from a to do list and also on a whim for me keeps me ready. Peep game via my up coming events.

I have a show in Feb 2018 for V-Day love.
Subscribe for updates.
