ChAnGeRMusic – Volume1 – Album

Apr 10, 2016 by cmusic - Comments Off on ChAnGeRMusic – Volume1 – Album

Hi, hello, hey, hey, heY!!!!

ChAnGeR here.

I am ecstatic that everything is finalized for my 4th new album titled…

“ChAnGeRMusic – Volume 1” dropping Father’s Day 2016.
I really need you to share this, with everyone you can, PLEEEEAAAZZZZEE!!!

The art is here… Please share, share, SHARE!!!

Between my full time job and doing this out of love and out of pocket in my spare time, I’m proud to unveil my 4th album

ChAnGeRMusic – Volume 1“. Preview the beats, engineering, and rhymez I did here.

Again, if you are a fan and like a song or all of them, please share NOW!

Love ChAnGeR – The Former Single Father!! (Mature Boom Bap Music)
“Being married is better then being single” Long live caring, educated single parents!!